C++ Bluetooth Windows 10 - get heartrate and acceleromter data

Welt Design 1 Reputation point

Hey everyone,

I'm trying to read data from my garmin via bluetooh, I've put in the mac adress and when i check the name i can see it works.
Then i put in the correct service and characteristic for the heart rate data. Now i'm stuck because i don't know how to get the value out of the characteristic. Does anyone have experience with this? I'm also looking to get the accelerometer data out of it.

    auto leDevice = co_await Bluetooth::BluetoothLEDevice::FromBluetoothAddressAsync(264540343013609);
    auto naam = leDevice->Name;

    auto servicesResult = co_await leDevice->GetGattServicesForUuidAsync(serviceUUID);
    auto service = servicesResult->Services->GetAt(0);
    auto characteristicsResult = co_await service->GetCharacteristicsForUuidAsync(characteristicUUID);
    auto characteristic = characteristicsResult->Characteristics->GetAt(0);
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