Hello @Sundaresan Chandrakanth ,
This may be more complicated than it seems.
First you would need to find the field, inspecting the page with F12 and finding the <Input> line and the -ID tag (for example -ID "Account Number", or similar) and the Button ID by inspecting the element as well.
Then you can use the script to navigate there
$ie = New-Object -ComObject 'internetExplorer.Application'
$ie.Visible= $true # To Make it visible
$AccountNumber="12345678" # defines the Account variable
$accountnamefield = $ie.document.getElementByID('<the Input ID tag>') #Gets the element by ID
$accountnamefield.value = $AccountNumber #sets the variable
$Link = $ie.document.getElementByID('<Continue Button tag ID>')
$Link.click() # this will continue to the Link generated
Then using the Invoke-Webrequest you should be able to get the link generated.
Hope this helps in your case,
Best regards,
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