I have a DLL file and need to call functions from the file. From the .h file can see the content as follows:
struct CContourManager_Dll
char** m_strOrganNameList;
int m_nOrganNameListSize;
void* m_pContourManager;
CContourManager_Dll() :
I also wrote the CLASS receiving variable, the content is as follows:
public unsafe struct CContourManager_Dll
public char** m_strOrganNameList;
public int m_nOrganNameListSize;
public void *m_pContourManager;
public CContourManager_Dll(char** stringName, int stringNameLength, void *ID)
m_strOrganNameList = stringName;
m_nOrganNameListSize = stringNameLength;
m_pContourManager = ID;
In order to test whether the content can be read, I have modified the variable of CLASS, and the content is as follows:
public unsafe struct CContourManager_Dll
public IntPtr m_strOrganNameList;
public int m_nOrganNameListSize;
public void *m_pContourManager;
public CContourManager_Dll(IntPtr stringName, int stringNameLength, void *ID)
m_strOrganNameList = stringName;
m_nOrganNameListSize = stringNameLength;
m_pContourManager = ID;
I know that char** will be an array after reading, so using the previously used method of reading short arrays, it can indeed read the value, but I don’t know how to convert it into text, and I have tried several variables and will produce errors.
[DllImport(dllroute, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
static extern IntPtr OpenContourToContourManager(string strSrcImageFilePath);
static unsafe void Main(string[] args)
string CTRfile = @"D:\1161_1450.ctr";
IntPtr getTest = OpenContourToContourManager(CTRfile);
CContourManager_Dll getTestStructure = (CContourManager_Dll)Marshal.PtrToStructure(getTest, typeof(CContourManager_Dll));
CContourManager_Dll gget = (CContourManager_Dll)Marshal.PtrToStructure(getTest, typeof(CContourManager_Dll));
IntPtr result_s = getTestStructure.m_strOrganNameList;
int short_size = sizeof(short);
int p_s_cursor = 0;
Array pshImageData = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(short), getTestStructure.m_nOrganNameListSize);
for (int i = 0; i < getTestStructure.m_nOrganNameListSize; i++)
short data = (short)Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(getTestStructure.m_strOrganNameList + p_s_cursor, typeof(short));
pshImageData.SetValue(data, i);
p_s_cursor += short_size;
string detail_string_HW = String.Format("Height: {0}", getTestStructure.m_nOrganNameListSize);
string[] yoyo = new string[getTestStructure.m_nOrganNameListSize];
for (int i = 0; i < getTestStructure.m_nOrganNameListSize; i++)
// detail_string_data += pshImageData.GetValue(i, j) + " ";
yoyo[i] = Convert.ToString(pshImageData.GetValue(i));
Using the above method, the content read looks like a pointer, I hope the value readout can become a string, what should I do?
Hope someone can help me and give me advice, Thanks.