Submission for Microsoft Store taking more than 3 business days

Samuel Morais 1 Reputation point


I am making my first submission to HoloLens 2 using Microsoft Store, because I don't have the device and a colleague that is in another country has the device there and wants to test.

So, I submitted the package to Microsoft Store, but the submission is in certification since 19 september (4 days).

I would like to know if it is common and if I will have a feedback some day about what happened.


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  1. Christopher Lee 111 Reputation points

    According to "Publishing times for Microsoft Store just got faster!", if the publishing process takes more than 3 business days, you are encouraged to contact support so they can investigate.

    You might want to consider enabling developer mode on HoloLens 2 so you can prototype quickly without going through the certification process.

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