When trying create a store proc from vst 2017 server explorer for a database under procedure. upon clicking the update arrow
I got the message
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[_f_fi_sym_tooLong]
@fi_sym varchar(32),
@fi_class varchar(4),
@sMsg varchar(255) output
set @sMsg = 'must be 8 or less characters: Fi_Sym=' + @fi_sym+' fi_class='+@fi_class+', except for option symbol (when fi_class=O), max 20, or 11 max if ends with .TO'
I know the there is no problem with the code itself but why am I getting error on the default parms from the initial stub.
I also get similar problem with functions.
PS I'm migrating a sql anywhere database 10 to sql server, ultimately to sql server 2016 or 2019