Hi, I am using MVVMCross and migrated my Xamarin Forms Android project to AndroidX. After migration it asked to install 2 packages. When I build it build successfully. But at run time it throws error in MainActivity.cs.
Android.Content.Res.Resources+NotFoundException: 'Resource ID #0x7f0b0047'
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
// base.Window.RequestFeature(WindowFeatures.ActionBar);
// Name of the MainActivity theme you had there before.
// Or you can use global::Android.Resource.Style.ThemeHoloLight
base.OnCreate(bundle); //Error occurs here
//Instanace = this;
Xamarin.Essentials.Platform.Init(this, bundle);
TabLayoutResource = Resource.Layout.tabs;
ToolbarResource = Resource.Layout.toolbar;