I think I found out how to get the volume as it's referenced by c:\xxxx\xxxx
However I'm still seeing PID 4 processes with dedup running, how can I completely stop it from running and get rid of it?
Here are some things I see
PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-DedupSchedule
Enabled Type StartTime Days Name
False Optimization BackgroundOptimization
True GarbageCollection 2:45 AM Saturday WeeklyGarbageCollection
True Scrubbing 3:45 AM Saturday WeeklyScrubbing
PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-DedupJob
PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-DedupMetadata
Volume : C:\ClusterStorage\FSLogix
VolumeId : \?\Volume{09ea6d33-b63b-452d-ab1c-d37d3cebfa3a}\
StoreId : {A29B426A-05B3-499F-B1FD-9780E3BB5C0B}
DataChunkCount : 19014267
DataContainerCount : 1111
DataChunkAverageSize : 61 KB
DataChunkMedianSize : 0 B
DataStoreUncompactedFreespace : 0 B
StreamMapChunkCount : 2742
StreamMapContainerCount : 24
StreamMapAverageDataChunkCount :
StreamMapMedianDataChunkCount :
StreamMapMaxDataChunkCount :
HotspotChunkCount : 23104
HotspotContainerCount : 2
HotspotMedianReferenceCount :
CorruptionLogEntryCount : 0
PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-DedupStatus
FreeSpace SavedSpace OptimizedFiles InPolicyFiles Volume
1.07 TB 0 B 337 180 C:\ClusterStorage\FSLogix
Thank you