Well, after a night's work, I figured out that what I really wondered was how to create a proper view model according to the model given above, and now I worked out the solution.
Thanks anyway.
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I am quite new to WPF and MVVM, and I wonder how can a class like the following can code in the style of MVVM (I know how to handle it with MVC). I am having trouble especially because the class contains List and Dictionary, and I wonder whether I should use ObserableCollection directly in the class.
Here is the class file:
public class YuzuProject
private string _path;
public string path
return _path;
if (!IOUtils.JudgeFilePath(value))
throw new Exception("Invalid Yuzu Project Path");
_path = value;
public string projectName;
private string _fileName;
public string fileName
return _fileName;
if (!IOUtils.JudgeFileName(value))
throw new Exception("Invalid Yuzu Project file name");
_fileName = value;
public List<YuzuImage> Images;
public void EnsureImageFolderExist()
IOUtils.EnsureDirectoryExist(Path.Combine(path, "./Images"));
public void EnsurePSDFolderExist()
IOUtils.EnsureDirectoryExist(Path.Combine(path, "./PSD"));
public YuzuProject(string path, string fileName, string projectName)
this.path = path;
this.fileName = fileName;
this.projectName = projectName;
Images = new List<YuzuImage>();
public YuzuProject(string path, string fileName, string projectName, List<YuzuImage> Images)
this.path = path;
this.fileName = fileName;
this.projectName = projectName;
this.Images = Images;
public void RemoveImageAt(int index)
File.Delete(Path.Combine(path, Images[index].ImageName));
private string CopyImage(string imagePath)
string originalImageFileName = Path.GetFileName(imagePath);
string imageFileName = originalImageFileName;
int prefix = 1;
bool exist = true;
while (exist)
exist = false;
foreach (YuzuImage yuzuImage in Images)
if (yuzuImage.ImageName == imageFileName)
exist = true;
imageFileName = (prefix++) + "-" + originalImageFileName;
string targetImagePath = Path.Combine(path, "./Images/", imageFileName);
File.Copy(imagePath, targetImagePath);
return imageFileName;
public string InsertImageAt(int index, string imagePath)
string imageFileName = CopyImage(imagePath);
Images.Insert(index, new YuzuImage(this, imageFileName));
return imageFileName;
public string AddImage(string imagePath)
string imageFileName = CopyImage(imagePath);
Images.Add(new YuzuImage(this, imageFileName));
return imageFileName;
public void MoveImage(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
YuzuImage moveItem = Images[fromIndex];
Images.Insert(toIndex, moveItem);
public class YuzuImage
public YuzuProject parent;
public string ImageName;
public Dictionary<long, YuzuSimpleNotation> SimpleNotations = new Dictionary<long, YuzuSimpleNotation>();
public YuzuImage(YuzuProject parent, string ImageName)
if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(parent.path, "./Images/", ImageName)))
throw new Exception("YuzuImage Init Error: file does not exist. Name: " + ImageName);
this.parent = parent;
this.ImageName = ImageName;
public void AddSimpleNotation(int x, int y, string text)
SimpleNotations.Add(new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now).ToUnixTimeMilliseconds(), new YuzuSimpleNotation(x, y, text));
public void RemoveNotation(long timestamp)
public string GetImageFilePath()
return Path.Combine(parent.path, "./Images/", ImageName);
public string GetImagePSDPath()
return Path.Combine(parent.path, "./PSD/" + ImageName + ".psd");
public class YuzuSimpleNotation
public int x;
public int y;
public string text;
public YuzuSimpleNotation(int x, int y, string text)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.text = text;
Thanks in advance!
Well, after a night's work, I figured out that what I really wondered was how to create a proper view model according to the model given above, and now I worked out the solution.
Thanks anyway.