SSD encripted bitlocker, windows 11 (beta insider programm)

Артем Скляр 1 Reputation point


I used windows 11 pro (first in insider programming dev channel, after - in beta channel).

My notebook now is broken (problems with motherboard and processor). I use service in town where I live.

So, I ask in service get SSD from this broken notebook and connect it to case with USB.

But, but, but.... Now, when I try to connect SSD to another PC, I have system massage that disk is encrypted by Bitlocker and a must tape 48-digits code.

But I newer switch my system to use bitlocker. I try connect to Microsoft account, but there is no any bitlocker keys.

Data on this SSD is important for me. If I use insider programm, maybe in data that sending in this program also has information about bitlocker keys?

Laptop is broken. I have only my mycrosoft account and model of my notebook.

Windows 11
Windows 11
A Microsoft operating system designed for productivity, creativity, and ease of use.
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