Hello MikeOsborn
You only need CALs for RDS connections. The licensing type highly depends on the method of using the CALs, either Per-Computer or Per-User.
If you have different users which use the same computers you would prefer to have Per-computer type.
If you have few users that connect from random computers or devices you´d prefer Per-User.
I can share a more explanative post, with community answers in this regard: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/08d2d14f-4f5d-4c6b-85ed-098dc45b3d5d/difference-between-usercal-and-device-cal?forum=winservergen
Also the next Microsoft information:
A Guide to Assessing Windows Server Licensing
If you have questions, I would recommend confirming with Microsoft,
use the "Contact a Specialist" link on the right side of this page,
Hope this helps with your query,
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