Tutorial for androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout using AndroidX, Xamarin.Android, & Visual Studio 2019

Nathan Sokalski 4,121 Reputation points

I am looking to add navigation to my app using a Hamburger Button & the androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout View. However, the Navigation Drawer App template in Visual Studio 2019 uses the Support Libraries rather than AndroidX. All the tutorials for Xamarin.Android, C# & Visual Studio 2019 do this as well. The few tutorials I could find that do use AndroidX rather than the Support Libraries use Java and/or Kotlin & Android Studio. I don't mind having the code in another language, as long as all related components are mentioned/explained with at least a small snippet (there is no way that all the relative xml & code can be explained in only words). Are there any good tutorials for androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout that are designed for AndroidX, C# & Visual Studio? Thanks.

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