Number of Active Users connected to an Azure Virtual Machine

Kumar Gaurav 21 Reputation points

Is there any mechanism to know the number of active users connected to my Azure VM? I searched Metrics but couldn't see any Metrics for this.
I have an N-series GPU-enabled Virtual Machine. I want to know the number of active users on my VM at any point in time.
The requirement is to STOP the VM when there are no active users on the VM.

Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Virtual Machines
An Azure service that is used to provision Windows and Linux virtual machines.
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Accepted answer
  1. Alan Kinane 16,796 Reputation points MVP

    If you are referring to RDP sessions then I believe you would have to run this from a command line within the VM, e.g. the qwinsta command.

    If you are using Azure Virtual Desktop to provide user access then this has a build in session monitoring tool where you can see the active sessions.

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