Getting below error while creating dataset
"error": {
"code": "UserError",
"message": "Cannot load any data from the specified path. Make sure the path is accessible and contains data.\nScriptExecutionException was caused by StreamAccessException.\r\n StreamAccessException was caused by NotFoundException.\r\n Found no resources for the input provided: '[REDACTED]'\r\n| session_id=9d60cf18-54e5-457a-910d-5dcd223fa0a0"
Code I am using is
Import required azureml classes
from azureml.core import Workspace, Datastore, Dataset
Access the workspace from the config.json
ws = Workspace.from_config(path="./config")
Access datastore by its name
az_store = Datastore.get(ws, "workspaceblobstore")
Create and register the dataset
Create the path of the csv file
csv_path = [(az_store, "azureml/EmployeeAC1.csv")]
Create the dataset
Create the dataset
loan_dataset = Dataset.Tabular.from_delimited_files(path=csv_path)
loan_dataset = loan_dataset.register(workspace=ws,
name="Employee Using SDK",