Microsoft .Net Framework chosen wrong installation disk!

Pexe 1 Reputation point

PT-BR: Olá, estou tentando instalar o Microsoft .Net Framework, mas dava ocorria vários erros com todas as versões, tentei de tudo e não nada resolveu esse problema, hoje fui tentar versões mais antigas e percebi que quando executo o arquivo, aparece "extraindo arquivos" e olhando o local de extração na janela, está extraindo no disco (D:) que não tem o Windows que estou executando (Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1), com isso eu fui ver no disco de extração e tinha varias pastas que eu não coloquei lá, como: Windows, muitas pastas com números e letras aleatórias, arquivos .DLL em certas pastas, System32, etc. Creio que o problema é esse, certo? Como posso resolver?

EN (translator): Hello, I'm trying to install the Microsoft .Net Framework, but there were several errors with all versions, I tried everything and nothing solved this problem, today I tried older versions and I noticed that when I run the file, it appears "extracting files" and looking at the extraction location in the window, it's extracting to disk (D:) that doesn't have the Windows I'm running (Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1), so I went to see the extraction disk and there were several folders I didn't put there, like: Windows, lots of folders with random numbers and letters, .DLL files in certain folders, System32, etc. I believe that's the problem, right? How can I solve?

A family of Microsoft operating systems that run across personal computers, tablets, laptops, phones, internet of things devices, self-contained mixed reality headsets, large collaboration screens, and other devices.
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