@@SERVERNAME returns hostname portion in lowercase

Peter Bishop 161 Reputation points

I have a newly-built SQL 2019 instance and when I run @@SERVERNAME, the response I get is:



  • hostname is in lowercase
  • INSTANCENAME is in uppercase

Any ideas why this might be happening? If the instance name was lowercase, I'd put it down to me typing it that way during installation.

The Windows %COMPUTERNAME% variable returns the value in UPPERCASE.


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Accepted answer
  1. YufeiShao-msft 7,071 Reputation points

    Hi @Peter Bishop ,

    This may be because %computername% returns uppercase, but not the real computer name

    you can try to find the real name using hostname or from the settings>system>about


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  1. Erland Sommarskog 103.2K Reputation points MVP

    I don't know why that may be happening. What does SELECT serverproperty('ServerName') return?

    Anyway, you can try this:

    EXEC sp_dropserver 'lowercase\INSTANCE'
    EXEC sp_addserver 'UPPERCASE\INSTANCE', 'local'

    and then restart SQL Server.

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  2. Emrah Saglam 0 Reputation points

    If you prepare your server with lowercase with SQL Server 2019 Case Sensitive Instances you will start to get some error like below for Ola's MaintenanceSolution, Netbackup for Alwayson Backups, etc because this king of tools uses some SQL built-in functions. The @@SERVERNAME does not match SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName'). See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/database-engine/install-windows/rename-a-computer-that-hosts-a-stand-alone-instance-of-sql-server I think Microsoft should offer to customers to setup their servers with uppercase depending on SQL Server 2019 built-in function's returned case sensitive values anymore. UPPER Server name is best practice.

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