Finding the utilization percentage for claim creation for different vendors

Hellothere8028 821 Reputation points

Hi All,

Hope you are doing well!.. There are a variety of organizations that create claims ...this field is represented by the organizationid -the values PRACTICE implies the company itself creates claims ; the values other than PRACTICE implies the vendors creating claims...A claim is created at the level of ctextid , prid and claimid ....Now in my input table there is a field called claimcreated (this indicates when the claim got created)...Now I want to calculate the utilization percentage by claim created month (Utilization is calculated as the total number of claims created by the vendors divided by the total claims created for that company (indicated by the combination of ctextid and prid) -the denominator includes the claims created by the practice and the claims created by the vendors expressed as a percentage rounded to zero decimals

Please find below my input and output tables


create table ##input
(ctextid int,
prid int,
claimid int,
claimcreated datetime2,
organizationid varchar(50),

insert into ##input values
('788','91','211','9/16/2021 4:59:18 PM','PRACTICE'),
('788','91','121','9/28/2021 10:32:33 PM','PRACTICE'),
('788','91','311','9/7/2021 8:22:40 PM','PRACTICE'),
('788','91','579','9/8/2021 5:52:27 AM','OG'),
('788','91','637','9/17/2021 11:14:20 AM','ACE'),
('788','91','87638','10/23/2021 12:34:00 AM','OG'),
('788','91','71395','10/20/2021 10:07:31 PM','PRACTICE'),
('788','91','133216','10/17/2021 4:02:15 AM','ACE'),
('788','91','29823','10/25/2021 4:06:38 PM','PRACTICE'),
('788','91','522','10/4/2021 10:51:53 AM','PRACTICE'),
('788','91','23728','10/27/2021 9:25:23 AM','ACE'),
('902','83','832','9/20/2021 10:32:33 PM','PRACTICE'),
('902','83','836','9/28/2021 10:32:33 PM','PRACTICE'),
('902','83','932','9/24/2021 10:32:33 PM','PRACTICE'),
('902','83','567','10/24/2021 10:32:33 PM','OG'),
('902','83','321','10/27/2021 10:32:33 PM','ACE'),
('902','83','2312','10/21/2021 10:32:33 PM','ACE')


create table ##output
(ctextid int,
prid int,
sep2021 int,
oct 2021 int)

insert into ##output values

Can you please help me here..


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Accepted answer
  1. Tom Phillips 17,731 Reputation points

    This should get you started:
    ;with monthlist as (
    ctextid, prid
    ,FORMAT(claimcreated,'yyyyMM') as YearMonth
    ,CASE WHEN organizationid = 'PRACTICE' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS PRACTICE_Created
    ,1 as Any_Created
    FROM #input
    totals as (
    SELECT ctextid, prid,YearMonth,
    SUM(PRACTICE_Created) as Total_PRACTICE_Created,
    SUM(Any_Created) AS Total_Any_Created
    FROM monthlist
    GROUP BY ctextid, prid,YearMonth

    SELECT *
        ,CAST((1-CAST((Total_PRACTICE_Created*1.00)/Total_Any_Created AS DECIMAL(5,2)))*100 AS INT) AS PercentAny
    FROM totals
    ORDER BY  ctextid, prid,YearMonth
    1 person found this answer helpful.

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  1. MelissaMa-MSFT 24,196 Reputation points

    Hi @Hellothere8028

    Please kindly double check your expected output since I checked from my side and found that two value should be exchanged according to your sample data. Thanks.

    Please refer to below:

    ;WITH CTE AS (  
    select ctextid,prid,FORMAT(claimcreated,'MMMyyyy') as MonthYear  
    ,CAST(sum(CASE WHEN organizationid = 'PRACTICE' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) AS PRACTICE_Created  
    ,CAST(count(organizationid) AS FLOAT) Total   
    from ##input  
    group by ctextid,prid,FORMAT(claimcreated,'MMMyyyy'))  
    select * from (   
    SELECT ctextid,prid,MonthYear,(1-(PRACTICE_Created/TOTAL))*100 per  
    FROM CTE  ) s  
    (max(per) for MonthYear in ([Sep2021],[Oct2021])) p  
    order by ctextid  

    OR dynamic way from below:

    drop table if exists #temp  
    ;with cte as (  
    select ctextid,prid,FORMAT(claimcreated,'yyyyMM') as MonthYear  
    ,CAST(sum(CASE WHEN organizationid = 'PRACTICE' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT) AS PRACTICE_Created  
    ,CAST(count(organizationid) AS FLOAT) Total   
    from ##input  
    group by ctextid,prid,FORMAT(claimcreated,'yyyyMM'))  
    SELECT ctextid,prid,MonthYear,(1-(PRACTICE_Created/TOTAL))*100 per  
    into #temp  
    FROM CTE  
    declare @col varchar(max)    
    set @col=stuff((select ', ' + quotename(FORMAT(cast(MonthYear+'01' as date),'MMMyyyy')) from (select distinct MonthYear from #temp) a order by MonthYear for xml path('')), 1, 2, '')  
    declare @sql nvarchar(max)=  
    N'select * from (   
    select ctextid,prid,FORMAT(cast(MonthYear+''01'' as date),''MMMyyyy'') MonthYear,per from #temp) s pivot  
    (max(per) for MonthYear in ('+@col+')) p  
    order by ctextid'  


    ctextid	prid	Sep2021	Oct2021  
    788	91	40	50  
    902	83	0	100  

    Best regards,

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