Write then read a cookie in Python

Nigel Wright 291 Reputation points

I need to store a cookie on client side then read it back to update information then send it again.
My code passes syntax ok and runs with no errors but doesnt read/write the cookies

def readcookiestring() :
cname = 'nigel1234567890'
global cookiestring
cookiestring = ""
cookiestring = request.cookies.get(cname)

except Exception as e:
    messagebox.showinfo("rd ",e)

messagebox.showinfo("rd ",cookiestring)

def writecookiestring():
global cookiestring
cookiestring="a string"
cname = 'nigel1234567890'
res = make_response()
res.set_cookie(cname, "cookiestring")
except Exception as e:
messagebox.showinfo("wr ",e)

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