Sending Automated emails on failure of pipeline

bk 461 Reputation points

Hi All,
I have 30 pipelines and each pipeline has at least 15 COPY activities. I am using the following link
I have the following questions

  1. Do i need each separate Logic App for each Pipeline.
  2. Do i need to create each separate Send EMail ON Failure Pipeline for each of the pipeline i want to set.
  3. Can multipleCOPY Activities use the same Email Alert.


Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory
An Azure service for ingesting, preparing, and transforming data at scale.
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  1. Nasreen Akter 10,746 Reputation points

    Hi @bk ,

    This is a an interesting ask :)

    There are multiple options, but it mainly depends on how GRANULAR you want to get the notifications. For example,

    1. You can setup Alert from DataFactory --> Monitor --> Alerts & metrics --> New alert rule. If you setup the metrics as "Failed pipeline run metrics", then you will get notification for the failure of those pipelines you have selected from the UI.
    2. You can create your own custom LogicApp to get more granular and customize notifications. Now, if you create a custom LogicApp ( from the link you provided above) to send the error, Then make it generic, so that you can use the same LogicApp to send any notification to anyone. As the LogicApp will be generic, you do not have to create separate LogicApp(s) for each pipeline/activity. All you will have to do is, call the LogicApp after each ACTIVITY you want to get notifications to.

    Hope this helps. Thanks! :)

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