I was wondering if it is intentional that the NuGet package of Emscripten is missing the '-mt.a libs' from 'emscripten\cache\sysroot\lib\wasm32-emscripten'. I checked out the github copy emscripten and followed the steps to set it up and it's has all of the *-mt.a libs present.
Below is a sceenshot with the NuGet libs (left) and the github libs (right):
I could be missing something in the setup of my Blazor project, but it may also be a feature not supported yet. Judging by the file size differences, emscritpen is built differently for the NuGet package.
Below is what I followed to setup my Blazor client project:
I wanted to try out running C/C++ code in Blazor, which is amazing. I decided to try threaded C++ code following this post:
I added the following to the Blazor Client csproj to use the C++ threads (assuming I've got this right):
When building it produces the following error:
Exception: FROZEN_CACHE is set, but cache file is missing: "sysroot\lib\wasm32-emscripten\libgl-mt.a" (in cache root path "C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.NET.Runtime.Emscripten.2.0.23.Sdk.win-x64\6.0.0\tools\emscripten\cache")
Appreciate any information on this.