declare @title varchar(50);
declare @sql varchar(500);
set @title = N'mr.';
set @sql = N'SELECT lastname
FROM dimcustomer where title = ''' + @title + '''';
print (@sql)
exec (@sql);
Why set variable does not work in a Dynamic SQL statement
I am new to Dynamic T-SQL , and I try to learn it.
I tried two different simple statements which would give me the same expected result.
The first one work
use AdventureWorksDW2019;
EXECUTE sp_executesql
N'SELECT lastname
FROM dimcustomer where title = @Title ',
N'@Title varchar(50)',
@Title = 'mr.';
The second one does not. It gave me an error saying that 'Must declare the scalar variable "@Title ".' which I already declared on line 3 below :
declare @Title varchar(50);
declare @alenzi varchar(500);
set @Title = N'mr.';
set @alenzi = N'SELECT name
FROM dimcustomer where title = @Title ';
print (@alenzi )
exec (@alenzi );
I would like know what I did wrong , and how to correct it.
Many Thanks,
7 answers
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Guoxiong 8,206 Reputation points
2021-11-10T21:30:58.567+00:00 -
Erland Sommarskog 116.5K Reputation points MVP
2021-11-10T22:27:21.007+00:00 Again, I don't think you are at the stage where you should start playing with dynamic SQL. But if you insist, I recommend that you read my article The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL. You will find that it is quite a long article, although you can start with just the first chapter after the introduction.
minh tran 216 Reputation points
2021-11-10T22:35:06.11+00:00 Thank you so much for all of your help. I am going to read your article.
EchoLiu-MSFT 14,601 Reputation points
2021-11-11T02:43:47.717+00:00 Hi @minh tran ,
Please also check:
declare @title varchar(50); declare @sql varchar(500); set @title = N'mr.'; set @sql = N'SELECT name FROM dimcustomer where title = @title'; exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@title VARCHAR(50) OUTPUT', @title OUTPUT;
If your SQL is actually more complicated, then you need to stop using EXEC() and embrace sp_executesql. One of the things this allows is much more flexibility with strongly-typed parameters (including OUTPUT).
' is the boundary character in dynamic sql. If you need to use ' in the middle of the string, you need to use '' to escape the ' in the middle of the string to tell sql server that the ' is not a boundary character.So in the following code, you should add '' on both sides of the variable like Guoxiong did.
set @sql = N'SELECT name FROM dimcustomer where title = @title';
When some variables cannot be used as output parameters, you need to splice them.
If you have any question, please feel free to let me know.
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minh tran 216 Reputation points
2021-11-11T14:39:17.733+00:00 Thank you so much ALL for all of the great explanation. As a student, I learn very much from you ALL , the experts.