We have one user in the office whose computer cannot be connected to via Remote Desktop Connection. All other users' workstations can be connected to without problem. RDC worked fine for this user until about 2 weeks ago, then he simply couldn't connect. Attempts to do so give the message, "Remote Desktop can't connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons ...". We have tried from both within the Domain LAN, and from outside the office.
This sort of thing has occurred in the past, but that's typically been after doing an image restore from a previous day. After a few days, Remote Desktop Connection is back working on that restored workstation. I assume that has something to do with restoring an expired kerberos ticket or such-like and the connection starts working again when the tickets are renewed and sync'd on both the workstation and domain controller.
This case is different. I've waited several days, over a week in fact, and still cannot RDC connect to this workstation. Remote Desktop settings have "Some settings are managed by your organization" for this and all permitted workstations. Remote Desktop is enabled and "Make my PC discoverable on private and domain networks" is checked. Permitted accounts are set to "Remote Desktop Domain Users". The GPO on 'Enable Remote Desktop' has the security filter set to 'Authenticated Users'. In ADUC domain > Groups > Security > Remote Desktop Users, this user is listed as a member. The ADUC > Computers, settings for this workstation appears to be the same as for all other workstations.
Does anyone have any idea why this user's workstation can no longer be connected to? It is only this user's workstations. This user, and all other domain users, can connect to any other workstations. And, I repeat, this problem just started happening about two weeks ago. This is not an administrative user, so unlikely he installed anything untoward on his workstation.