ios app stuck in video launchscreen when click on inactive/killed app push notification in xamarin form ios
I'm working in Xamarin form ios. My issue is when click on push notification received when its inactive/killed,then its stuck in launchscreen.I have implemented Video as splash screen.
the scenario for the issue is,
step 1)launch the app.. Click on received notification(foreground)-> it will redirect to specific page(ex notification list page).
step 2)now close the app, Click on received notification(inactive)-> open the app with white screen and stuck....
step 2) close the app, once got the inactive push notification then directly click on app icon , it will stuck
when it work :
if I don't click on foreground push notification(step 1) , and only click on inactive push notification then its work fine.(redirecting to notification list page).
where I can see the error:
Normally when i click on App Icon then video play and its status changes like -WaitingToPlayAtSpecifiedRate,Playing
But when i open app from inactive push notification then status end up pause, that mean video get pause ..
Please help me to resolve this.