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You could select the Speaker in iPhone without any code modification. When you click the button to play , tap AirPlay and select the speaker , refer to https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202809#ios
In other way, you could set AVAudioSessionCategory
. I check the iOS sample of Plugin.AudioRecorder, there is a RequestAVAudioSessionCategory
method, and it can change the play mode, we just need to use AVAudioSessionCategory.Playback
// this controls whether the library will attempt to set the shared AVAudioSession category, and then reset it after recording completes
AudioRecorderService.RequestAVAudioSessionCategory (AVAudioSessionCategory.PlayAndRecord);
But I add it to Xamarin.iOS project and it doesn't work. So, I check the source code and find this plugin use native AVFoundation
framework. I try to use DependencyService and AVFoundation
, it works, you could refer to the following code:
Interface in Forms
public interface IAVService
void setSessionCategory(bool isSpeaker);
iOS implementation with the DependencyService
using AutoReorderiOSDemo;
using AutoReorderiOSDemo.iOS;
using AVFoundation;
using Foundation;
using Plugin.AudioRecorder;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using UIKit;
using Xamarin.Forms;
[assembly: Dependency(typeof(AVService_iOS))]
namespace AutoReorderiOSDemo.iOS
public class AVService_iOS : IAVService
NSError error;
public void setSessionCategory(bool isSpeaker)
AVAudioSession.SharedInstance().SetCategory(isSpeaker == true? AVAudioSession.CategoryPlayback: AVAudioSession.CategoryPlayAndRecord, out error);
Invoke the method in Forms
async Task RecordAudio()
if (!recorder.IsRecording) //Record button clicked
if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS)
DependencyService.Get<IAVService>().setSessionCategory(false);//set CategoryPlayAndRecord
else //Stop button clicked
catch (Exception ex)
//blow up the app!
throw ex;
When record the audio, set CategoryPlayAndRecord
, when play the audio set CategoryPlayback
void PlayAudio()
var filePath = recorder.GetAudioFilePath();
if (filePath != null)
if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS)
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
In similator, it will get a audioQueue.Start() returned non-OK status: GeneralParamError
, it means there is no microphone. You could try to change the similator settings( I/O=>Audio Input=>System/Internal ), if your Mac( such as Mac mini) doesn't have microphone, you have to plug a real physical microphone into your Mac. This is a limitation of the iOS simulator.
Best Regards,
Wenyan Zhang
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