Hi, want to develop a WebAPI for a Xamarin App.
The WebAPI is developed in .Net 6 and will be consumed from a Xamarin Mobile Application.
I'm confused about few points that I've never done it before and decided to double check before I start.
Below is the to the Xamarin App UI.
The points I'm confused about are :
- How to achieve Remember me feature from the ASP.Net Core 6 Web API to work with Xamarin App ?
- How to achieve the Forgot password feature from the Web API to work with Xamarin App ?
- Regarding the API authentication, should I use Jason Web Token (JWT) or another type of authentication suitable for Xamarin Mobile,
I mean what type of API authentication should I use for the Web API to work with the Xamarin App ?
- How do I keep (JWT) cookies authentication alive and kill it after and pass it through to the mobile developer so they can use it and cancel it from the Xamarin app ?
Any clue please ?