Will do.. Thanks a lot JarvanZhang!!
Need help in installing WebSocket.Droid for websocket.pcl
I am developing a xamarin Android app to send and receive text messages from an ESP8266 using websockets. Looked for websocket libraries on the web and zeroed on websockets.pcl by NVentimiglia (https://github.com/NVentimiglia/Websockets.PCL)
I was able to install the websocket.pcl via the nuget package manager. However to test the sample programs, there seems to be a need for websockets.Droid library. The websockets.Droid is available on the github link given above.
I scoured the internet for the procedure of installing Websocket.Droid package. The readme file in the link says precious little as shown below..
Include Websockets.Droid and Websockets (PCL) library
Include Websockets.Ios and Websockets (PCL) library
Include Square.SocketRocket
Can somebody help me with the procedure of adding the websockets.Droid package to my project?
Thanks in advance,
Ravi Upadhyaya