Please try:
with cte as(
case when cat.Cat_name='Savers' then 'A' else r.R_type_name END Rag_Type,
C.entrydate as EntryDate, C.ConWeight as Act_weight, C.No_Of_Bales as Act_Qty
,iSNULL(Sum(i.R_QTY),0)Isu_QTY,(C.ConWeight-iSNULL(Sum(I.R_Weight),0)) as Pending_Weight,
(C.No_Of_Bales-iSNULL(Sum(i.R_QTY),0)) as Pending_Qty
FROM Containerno C
inner join ConCatagory cat on cat.Cat_ID=c.Cat_ID
inner join tbl_ContD CD on CD.CID=C.CID
left join tbl_Issuance_Rags I on I.D_ID=CD.D_ID
left join tbl_Range as r on (c.con_value >= r.R_Value_From AND C.con_value <= r.R_Value_to)
where C.delid is null and I.Delid is null and C.entrydate>'2020-12-31' and c.con_status is null
group by C.ContNo,C.Contrackno, C.ConWeight,C.No_Of_Bales,C.entrydate,cat.Cat_name,r.R_type_name
cte2 as(
select Rag_Type Type ,sum(Pending_Weight) Weight from cte
where Pending_Qty>0 and EntryDate>'2020-12-31'
group by Rag_Type)
select Type,Weight,
ISNULL(cast((Weight)*100.0/(sum(Weight)over(PARTITION BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2)),0) as Per
from cte2
group by Type,Weight
union all
Select 'Total', sum(isnull(cast(Weight as float),0))
from (select *,ISNULL(cast((Weight)*100.0/(sum(Weight)over(PARTITION BY (1) ))AS numeric(10,2)),0) cc
from cte2) c2
--group by Weight
If this does not solve your problem, please share us your table structure (CREATE TABLE …) and some sample data(INSERT INTO …).