under the excercise of Use shared access signatures to delegate access to Azure Storage;Control access to Azure Storage with shared access signatures.
The task given is acccesing patuient recorc in Lamna Healthcare.
Im now at the step to request patient diagnostic image under 'API for external companies'
I have insert the 'patient image file name and 'key'.But nothing come out,as the tutorial said that it should have picture appear bellow the page. At Azure Cloud Shell, this note appear:
Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://localhost:8000/api/PatientRecords/patient-e155438243119.jpg
info: http://Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Diagnostics[2]
Request finished in 0.8443ms 404
and notice that there is note mention by Microsoft Learn:
If you are viewing the console in your browser, you'll see the web server returned a 404 error-code message.
How to solve this?