Static Logo Test Fails on GNSS UMDF Driver

PRABU RAJATHIRUMONI 6 Reputation points


Static Logo Test Fails with GNSS UMDF driver with following error in Cobalt OS (windows 10 x64)

<-- Log Snip -->

"Microsoft.StaticToolsLogo.ObjectModel.DvlException: DvlChecker: missing Semmle DVL log content for driver '*wudfrd**' with the OS architecture 'x64'.
at Microsoft.StaticToolsLogo.ObjectModel.DvlChecker.CheckDvl(dvlTypes dvlTypes)
at DevfundTests.DvlTest.DvlCheck(dvlTypes dvlTypes)"
<-- Log Snip -->

Since Wudfrd.sys is added as associated service in our driver INF file, the static logo test looking for the DVL log content with "<WudfRd>". Please let me know if Static Logo test is valid for UMDF driver.

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