I can define Custom autoscale condition with scale out and scale in rules now, the number of node is decreased, it used manual scale at the beginning.
How to update Virtual machine scale set
Hi all,
When I created Azure Kubernetes Service from Azure Portal I also created a Virtual machine scale set (vmss) , I set min node = 1 , max node = 2 , how can I change this policy ?
I have another question in the margins , according to my calculation , 1 Standard_B2ms node is enough resource for my pods.
I create first pod1 for develope environment , then create 2 more pods for production environment , pod2 was create fine.
When pod3 was being initialized , it gave error "insufficient cpu" , vmss scale out second node automatically, then pod3 was created
How can I check reason, How do I know when my AKS needs more resources from vmss, where is the calculation formula/documentation about it ?