I did now manage to delete this file and the rest has been solved.
I take ownership of this file and then I could delete all the folders too.
Cant delete folder on a share even if I´m the administrator and make me as owner
I´m member of Domain Admins and trying to delete a folder,
but this message is dispalayed when I´m, trying to delete this folder.
"You neeed permissions from Domain\Domain Admins to make changes to this folder"
Ok, then I´m trying to take ownership with my member of domain admin MyAccount and
retry to delet the folder.
Then i receive this error message ""You neeed permissions from Domain\MyAccount to make changes to this folder"
-But that´s me (MyAccount), so I´m stuck with this cursed folder.
Google a lot but cant find anyting yet
Really appreciate your answer
I´m also trying to delete files, and it worked almost but I received a lot of 0x80070057 error code
Bit-101 136 Reputation points
3 additional answers
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MotoX80 35,416 Reputation points
2021-11-28T15:06:43.477+00:00 Cant delete folder on a share
Are you trying to delete \SomeServer\ShareName\SomeFolder? If you're a domain admin, RDP to SomeServer and try to delete it with the local name. Ex: D:\DataShare\SomeFolder.
Launch Computer Management on the server and in Shared Folders/Open Files check to see anyone else is accessing the folder/files. Close those sessions.
Bit-101 136 Reputation points
2021-11-28T15:20:51.177+00:00 @MotoX80 "..RDP to SomeServer, would be great and use local admininistrator on that file-server with windows server 20XX something."
But now It´s a share from a cluster in NetApp.
And I dont really know how to deal with that.Update:
I managed to delete everything except for one file that I received this 0x80070057 error code. And becuase of that I cant delete all or the folders above
who are now empty. -
MotoX80 35,416 Reputation points
2021-11-28T16:06:51.533+00:00 Sounds like a Netapp problem. Your Windows client is issuing an SMB call to do a delete on the file and Netapp is rejecting it. You could verify that by logging on to a different Windows machine and trying the delete from there.
I found this, but I'm not registered to view the thread.
I would suggest that you talk whomever in your organization supports the Netapp. You mentioned the word cluster so I'll speculate that one of the back end devices has a lock on that file, or somehow the machines in the cluster got out of sync with each other.