Changing an Azure VM Temp Drive to T:

David Downing 701 Reputation points

I need to move the Azure VM Temp Disk Drive from D: to another letter (probably T:). Because all of my provisioning setup and configuration are fully automated, I need to do this using a PowerShell script/commands.

Does anyone have a script or the commands necessary to move the temp drive from D: to another letter drive?

From several different queries, it seems like two reboots may be necessary. I did find another post that seems to indicate it's not required.

Because this automation will be used for a long time going forward, I want to do it correctly.

The VMs will be running Windows Server 2019 datacenter.

The new temp disk is already initialized and assigned to the T: drive.

Thank you,

Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Virtual Machines
An Azure service that is used to provision Windows and Linux virtual machines.
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  1. kobulloc-MSFT 24,406 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hello, @David Downing !

    Changing a drive letter both manually and with a PowerShell script
    Thank you for being patient! I tried manually changing the Temporary Storage drive letter but ran into a "Parameter is incorrect" error. This was because I skipped over the prerequisite step of temporarily moving pagefile.sys to C drive like you mentioned. Once I did that, I was able to change the drive letter from D to T successfully both manually and using the PowerShell script:

    $Drive = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Volume -Filter "DriveLetter = 'D:'"  
    $Drive | Set-CimInstance -Property @{DriveLetter ='T:'}  

    One of the simplest approaches to scripting pagefile.sys would be:

    wmic computersystem set AutomaticManagedPagefile=False  

    Once that has been completed, restart the VM and the script above to change the temp drive letter will run successfully. @David Downing (thank you!) has used the following to move the pagefile.sys to the temp drive:

    wmic pagefileset where name="C:\pagefile.sys" delete  
    wmic pagefileset create name="T:\pagefile.sys"  
    wmic pagefileset where name="T:\pagefile.sys" set InitialSize=6144,MaximumSize=6144  

    Additional pagefile.sys options:


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  1. David Downing 31 Reputation points

    After running the test, I noticed the pagefile.sys no longer existed on any of the drives. To complete the move I ran the following and rebooted the computer.

    wmic computersystem set AutomaticManagedPagefile=False
    wmic pagefileset where name="C:\pagefile.sys" delete
    wmic pagefileset create name="T:\pagefile.sys"
    wmic pagefileset where name="T:\pagefile.sys" set InitialSize=6144,MaximumSize=6144

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