Hi Seonok Kim,
Indeed you cannot use this method and change the text color. However you can use "SVG" images and then completely control the look of the points. I have the following suggestion from a member of our Engineering team:
Clusters can be customized by SVG which allows just about everything. Start from this example:
The idea is to throw away the original text, and replace with texts in SVG, I changed three lines to make the modifications to make texts red:
const originalClusterText = cluster.getText();
//Create an SVG string of two circles, one on top of the other, with the specified radius and color.
var svg = ['<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"',
' width="', (radius * 2), '" height="', (radius * 2), '">',
'<circle cx="', radius, '" cy="', radius, '" r="', radius, '" fill="', fillColor, '"/>',
'<circle cx="', radius, '" cy="', radius, '" r="', radius - outlineWidth, '" fill="', fillColor, '"/>',
'<text font-size="14" font-weight="bold" fill="red" x="' + (radius - 5) + '" y="' + (radius + 5) + '">'+ originalClusterText + '</text>',
//Customize the clustered pushpin using the generated SVG and anchor on its center.
icon: svg.join(''),
text: '', // set default text to empty because it is already part of the SVG
anchor: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(radius, radius),
fillColor: '#f00',
textOffset: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(0, radius - 8) //Subtract 8 to compensate for height of text.
You can paste this code back into the iSDK to see the text turn red.