Hi @Juan Gamboa ,
Where come to Q&A forum.
Was this account assigned by your school or organization?
Please log this account into OneDrive Online to have a check.
- If this issue also occurs with OneDrive Online, and this account is from your school or organzation, it's best to contact your tenant admin to check the license state, make sure the it was not deactivated.
If your account was created by yourself using your personal email account, I would suggest you contact Microsoft via phone to have a confirm.
For more information about Microsoft 365 account deactivation, please refer to this link, https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/microsoft-365-account-deactivation-information-2e337ac2-16ae-4ed6-8e23-ed51b7b5aaba. - But if you could sign you account on OneDrive Online successfully, it's recommended to reset OneDrive on Mac.
Quit OneDrive.
Find OneDrive in your Applications folder.
Right-click OneDrive and select Show Package Contents.
Browse to the Contents > Resources folder.
Double-click ResetOneDriveApp.command (or ResetOneDriveAppStandalone.command, if you're using the standalone app).
Start OneDrive and finish the setup process.
Hope the information could be helpful.
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