managed Instance provisioning charges

Manish G 1 Reputation point


As we all know managed instance provisioning takes a lot of time, so this provisioing time is also considered in cost or only once this MI is ready for us, only that time is calculated.

Azure SQL Database
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  1. Anurag Sharma 17,581 Reputation points

    Hi @Manish G , Thanks for reaching out to us. When we create a new resource, depending upon the configuration of resources, cost summary and charge would be applicable, not on the provisioning/creation time for any resources. As an example, changing the Cores, Storage, Service tier, usage of resource etc. will have an impact on the overall cost summary of resource and hence change in usage cost too.

    Again post-creation of resources, depending on usage charging/pricing will be done. Please read through the below excerpts for more details:

    Azure doesn't directly bill based on the resource cost. Charges for a resource are calculated by using one or more meters. Meters are used to track a resource’s usage throughout its lifetime. These meters are then used to calculate the bill.
    When you create a single Azure resource, like a virtual machine, it has one or more meter instances created. Meters are used to track the usage of the resource over time. Each meter emits usage records that are used by Azure to calculate the bill.

    More links to read through:


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