Hi there,
A few days ago my installed Visual Studio 2019 mentioned that Visual Studio cannot start, due to a running setup. Previously everything works well and I cannot exactly specify what happend before Visual Studio doesn't work anymore. However, after trying out several things I decided to completely uninstall Visual Studio.
Because I need RDLC extension for Visual Studio I tried to re-install Visual Studio 2019, instead of 2022. Unfortunately the installation stuck for hours at "Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.TestPlatform.IDE". I tried to install Visual Studio 2019 without any workloads select (base setup) and this worked. Afterwards I tried to install the RDLC extension, but it requires some features, which were not installed. These feature installations also got stuck.
Because I need Visual Studio in my daily business and I can't figure out whats wrong I've now tried to install VS2022, but unfortunately it also got stuck at "Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.TestPlatform.IDE".
Do you have any tips or hints into the right direction?
I attached the Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.TestPlatform.IDE.log of the Visual Studio/.NET Log Collection Tool (Collect.exe)
Maybe one addition, I'm running Windows 11 (22000.376).
Thank you in advance!