Windows PDC use GPO to point Microsemi device IP addresses

Chad Rodriguez 361 Reputation points

I have a PDC windows 2012 r2 domain controller that I need to use GPO to point to multiple microsemi devices by IP.
I"m following this article to the "T".
I'm getting hung up on the following GPO setting: Configure windows ntp client
Am I to comma separate IP address values or just use spaces?
Is this supposed to be reflect on the PDC servers registry? HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters
Here are my settings 17757-8-14-2020-11-54-42-am.png

After I apply, I run the following commands:
gpupdate /force
w32tm /resync
w32tm /query /status

And here is the output which I'm unsure if im to see all the IP's listed. I'm just making sure that my PDC is pointed properly so all my clients get updated. Is this also supposed to be reflective on the PDC's registry location?


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  1. Dave Patrick 426.4K Reputation points MVP

    I'd check the results of;
    w32tm /query /configuration

    --please don't forget to Accept as answer if the reply is helpful--

  2. Chad Rodriguez 361 Reputation points

    Thanks for your help, so now essentially my PDC points to a few GPS devices by IP addresses. And all my clients should continue to get time from my PDC correct?

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  3. Dave Patrick 426.4K Reputation points MVP

    You're welcome. Yes, as long as the clients are using domain time (NT5DS). Some general info;

    • All domain members should use NT5DS domain time.
    • Desktops and member servers sync with any domain controller.
    • Domain controllers sync with PDC emulator (one per domain)
    • PDC emulator in child domain can sync with any domain controller in parent domain.
    • PDC emulator in parent domain syncs with either a hardware clock or possibly an external source.

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