The answer is that WUSUCLT has been replaced with usoclient:
How can I tell if `wuauclt` is doing anything?
Hi All,
I have a customer who need to have their updates and reboots done at a specific time.
How can I tell is "wuauclt" has actually done something? All it does it return to the next line on the command line. I can ever give it junk on the command line and it does not error out or complain.
Many thanks,
rem echo off
rem run a forced M$ Update and rebboot
rem References:
rem net use K: \\rn6\CDs
sc.exe config wuauserv start= demand
net start wuauserv
wuauclt /detectnow /updatenow
net stop wuauserv
sc.exe config wuauserv start= disabled
rem shutdown /r /f /t 00
3 answers
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Adam J. Marshall 9,386 Reputation points MVP
2021-12-27T04:43:43.867+00:00 Stop using old, outdated commands.
Your best bet is to change the way you think about updates -
Setup active hours, tell it to install daily at a time when the systems will be on, and the systems will only install updates WHEN the updates have been approved and downloaded in WSUS.
If you DON'T want them to update until a specific day, don't approve the updates until that day.
Windows systems will check in, download, install, and restart outside of active hours.
Adam J. Marshall 9,386 Reputation points MVP
2021-12-28T05:07:35.803+00:00 The download and the install should NOT affect anything - you SHOULD be able to force a restart at a specific time using Scheduled install time: and set it to outside the active hours ALONG with Scheduled install day: 0 - Every day, 4 - Auto download and schedule the install, Every week Enabled, and Allow Automatic Updates immediate installation Enabled.
I have this for my servers on my automatic ring and it works well.
Approve the updates and watch as the systems restart.