Wrong links in error message during deployment

Severin Schols 1 Reputation point

I received the following error message during deployment of a VM:

User failed validation to purchase resources. Error message: 'You have not accepted the legal terms on this subscription: 'xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx' for this plan. Before the subscription can be used, you need to accept the legal terms of the image. To read and accept legal terms, use the Azure CLI commands described at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=862451 or the PowerShell commands available at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2110637. Alternatively, deploying via the Azure portal provides a UI experience for reading and accepting the legal terms.

There are two links, one for az cli commands, one for powershell, but they are not in the right order. az cli link points to powershell docs, powershell link points to az cli docs.

Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Virtual Machines
An Azure service that is used to provision Windows and Linux virtual machines.
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  1. prmanhas-MSFT 17,891 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    @Severin Schols Thank you for your query and Thank you for pointing it out.

    I have created a GitHub thread on your behalf for the issue so that necessary changes can be made.

    Once the team review and confirm on the same changes will go live soon.

    GitHub thread link for your reference:

    Hope it helps.

    Please 'Accept as answer' if it helped, so that it can help others in the community looking for help on similar topics