I doubt very much we can get you access to any sort of system. When we trouble-shoot, we need to do an online meeting with screen sharing and tell them what to do so we can see what's going on. It is a huge headache.
We can't use Chrome Developer tools because these requests are not happening through the browser. The are being made by Office on the desktop. I may have been hasty saying that it is similar to SharePoint as I have never used it and only have a vague idea of how it works.
The user clicks on a link that is something like ms-ms-excel:ofe|u|https://localhost:3334/app/api/msOfficeFile/nbqCbKTR-xmdHqvualsyn4zZlNDosVqJ7KWjlJsMDOhMwAKYjKLqGivzQx_p9F/10575/Test.xls
The browser asks them if they want to allow Excel to open the document.
Excel then sends requests to https://localhost:3334/app/api/msOfficeFile to get information about the file and to get it's contents. It sends a PUT request when the user clicks the save button. For this particular customer, the PUT request does not occur.