Exchange 2016 and Hybrid Modern Auth (HMA)

David Steinhart 1 Reputation point

Can you direct me to any official documentation from Microsoft regarding Exchange on-premises and securing access through Azure App Proxy? Specifically, I am trying to use Hybrid Modern Authentication (HMA) to secure Exchange on-premises. Much of the documentation out there states how to setup HMA but not how to expose the secure environment to end users. In my lab with Exchange 2016, I use Azure App Proxy exclusively and have port 443 completely blocked. I am able to get Outlook and Outlook Mobile to connect securely, or so it seems. The only auth method on virtual directories is OAUTH, or basic auth methods all set to $false. It is difficult to know what I should be recommending to clients when there seems to be missing pieces in the HMA guidelines/architecture. For example, here is the guide for enabling HMA: The only reference that traffic should be NAT'ed through a firewall is the listing of 2 IP ranges towards the bottom of the article. If I am using Azure App Proxy for OWA, and allowing port 443 through my firewall, what is to keep a threat actor from typing and bypassing the Azure App Proxy protection for OWA? Is there a way to split up the name spaces or put exchange services on different public IP addresses that would provide protection?

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