Azure Static Web App - No Limit on Custom Subdomains or Wild Card Subdomain

Ankush Brahmbhatt 1 Reputation point


We are planning to use Azure Static Web Apps (SWA) to host our Multi-tenant angular based single page application.

as it is multi-tenant, different users will have their own subdomain i.e.,, and the list goes on.

I see that the current limit on the Azure SWA is 5 which makes it impossible for us to use.

Is there a way to increase this limit or best would be to support wild card subdomains ?

IF not What service in azure would you recommend as an alternative to host this multi-tenant angular single page app with no limit on subdomains ?


Azure Static Web Apps
Azure Static Web Apps
An Azure service that provides streamlined full-stack web app development.
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  1. SnehaAgrawal-MSFT 19,361 Reputation points

    Thanks for asking question and reaching here. At this point of time this is not possible to do on SWA.

    You can do this by creating an Azure Front Door instance and using a SWA as the backend endpoint.
    You may refer to tutorial here which would be helpful:

    Also, the best way to share your feedback would be to create a Feedback item and upvote it. The product group monitors this site for feedback. This is the best way to ensure you are heard and you may receive a response depending on how much they information they can currently share.

    Please let us know if you have further query or issue remains.