I'd suspect that you use custom certificates (as opposed as the default self-signed) and that the Token Encrypting certificate you use in your ADFS deployment does not have the proper KeySpec. If the KeySpec is not set to 1 (AT_KEYEXCHANGE), you can't use Form Based Authentication as ADFS can't encrypt stuff. This will fail because ADFS used that certificate in the process. It will just loop. This certificate is not used when you use Windows Integrated Authentication. Hence you don't have the problem internally if the browser support Windows SSO (Kerberos/NTLM).
Anyhow, run the following PowerShell cmdLets on your primary ADFS server to determine the KeySpec of your Token Decrypting cert:
$cert = (Get-AdfsCertificate -CertificateType Token-Decrypting).Thumbprint
certutil -v -store My $cert | Where-Object {$_ -like "*KeySpec*"}
If the output is not:
Then we found our problem. And we can fix it by re-importing the certificate. You would delete from the store (you can use the MMC) and re-import it with specifying the KeySpec like:
certutil -importpfx Token-Decrypting.pfx AT_KEYEXCHANGE
Let us know! 🤞