Hello Emmet,
I would like to share the way I do it. Basically with a custom powerplan:
You first need to create a profile, your master profile, if you will. Then from the command line:
"powercfg -l" (this will list profiles and their GUIDs)
copy the GUID for the profile you created
"powercfg -export c:\YourPowerProfile.pow {GUID}"
on a target machine, you'll want to run "powercfg -import c:\YourPowerProfile.pow {GUID}"
Then you need to make it active, so: "powercfg -setactive {GUID}"
The thing is, you can use the same GUID each time. You can import it with the GUID that was created when you first made the profile.Therefore, since you know the GUID ahead of time, you can script it in a batch file.
I placed my .pow file on a network share in the same folder as a batch file (only these two files exist in the folder). My batch file looks like:
md c:\power
cd c:\power
copy "\server\share*."
powercfg -import c:\power\MyPowerConfig.pow 551d289f-0b99-46b9-8914-18830df35155
powercfg -setactive 551d289f-0b99-46b9-8914-18830df35155
powercfg -l
del c:\power*. /q
rd c:\power
I added a powercfg -l to list the current power configs and be sure mine's listed and set to active.
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