MS Graph Intune API to get all mobileApps including "Microsoft 365 Apps (Windows 10 and later)"

Clegg, Mark 21 Reputation points


I'm using to try to get a list of all Windows apps we have setup.

I can limit the result set using $filter=(isof('microsoft.graph.win32LobApp') or isof('microsoft.graph.microsoftStoreForBusinessApp') but that doesn't seem to include the "Microsoft 365 Apps (Windows 10 and later)" apps we have setup.

I can't even find those apps using their displayname - e.g. "$filter=displayname eq 'Microsoft 365 Apps' "

But if I use their guid, e.g.{guid} I can retrieve the details for those apps individually.

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#deviceAppManagement/mobileApps/$entity",
    "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "displayName": "Microsoft 365 Apps",
    "description": "Microsoft 365 Apps",

(It would seem that these records don't have an @odata.type field.?)

How can I get a list of these apps, or in general ALL Windows (x86/x64) mobileapps.


Microsoft Intune
Microsoft Intune
A Microsoft cloud-based management solution that offers mobile device management, mobile application management, and PC management capabilities.
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  1. Lu Dai-MSFT 28,366 Reputation points

    @Clegg, Mark Thanks for posting in our Q&A.

    For this issue, I have done the test in my lab. I tried the following URL and I got the "Microsoft 365 Apps (Windows 10 and later)".$filter=(isof(%27microsoft.graph.officeSuiteApp%27)%20or%20true)&$orderby=displayName&


    Hope it will help.

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