Trying to understand conditional formatting using an exisiting project in VSTO

Jonathan Brotto 1,076 Reputation points

I am working on an existing project but there is no documentation I could find that would allow me to directly translate and modify the type of conditioning as I get the default red green circles and I wish to use the 3-arrow iconset. Tried recording a macro but not sure how to translate.
I manage to add and set my rules, but comment out the icons I want along with a few other rules.

        With customerYearRng  
            '.FormatConditions(Excel.IconSetCondition.IconSet) = "xl3Triangles" XlConditionValueTypes.xlConditionValueNumber(1))  
            '  Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlConditionValueTypes.xlConditionValueNumber  
            '.IconSetCondition.IconSet.IconSets = "xl3Triangles"  
            '.FormatConditions.ReverseOrder = False  
            '.FormatConditions.ShowIconOnly = False  
            '.FormatConditions.IconSet.IconSets = "xl3Triangles"  
            With .FormatConditions(1).IconCriteria(2)  
                .Type = Excel.XlConditionValueTypes.xlConditionValueNumber  
                .Value = 0  
                .Operator = 7  
            End With  
            With .FormatConditions(1).IconCriteria(3)  
                .Type = Excel.XlConditionValueTypes.xlConditionValueNumber  
                .Value = 0  
                .Operator = 5  
            End With  
        End With  

used different pages but not familiar with set and how to translate VBA, C# or old school VB
Best I found but does not use let or get statements.
Sub CreateIconSetCF()
Dim cfIconSet As IconSetCondition

' Fill cells from C1 to C12 with sample data.  
With ActiveSheet  
   .Range("C1") = 55  
   .Range("C2") = 92  
   .Range("C3") = 88  
   .Range("C4") = 77  
   .Range("C5") = 66  
   .Range("C6") = 93  
   .Range("C7") = 76  
   .Range("C8") = 80  
   .Range("C9") = 79  
   .Range("C10") = 83  
   .Range("C11") = 66  
   .Range("C12") = 74  
End With  
' Create an icon set conditional format for the created sample data range.  
Set cfIconSet = Selection.FormatConditions.AddIconSetCondition  
' Change the icon set to a 5-arrow icon set.  
cfIconSet.IconSet = ActiveWorkbook.IconSets(xl5Arrows)  
' The IconCriterion collection contains all the icon criteria. By indexing into  
' the collection, you can modify each criteria. The following sections set  
' the criteria for each of the arrows in the set.  
With cfIconSet.IconCriteria(1)  
   .Type = xlConditionValueNumber  
   .Value = 0  
   ' XlFormatConditionOperator enumeration that specifies "greater than   
   ' or equal to."  
   .Operator = 7  
End With  
With cfIconSet.IconCriteria(2)  
   .Type = xlConditionValueNumber  
   .Value = 60  
   .Operator = 7  
End With  
With cfIconSet.IconCriteria(3)  
   .Type = xlConditionValueNumber  
   .Value = 70  
   .Operator = 7  
End With  
With cfIconSet.IconCriteria(4)  
   .Type = xlConditionValueNumber  
   .Value = 80  
   .Operator = 7  
End With  
With cfIconSet.IconCriteria(5)  
   .Type = xlConditionValueNumber  
   .Value = 90  
   .Operator = 7  
End With  
End Sub  
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