How to return multiple properties of an object into another function?

Cataster 641 Reputation points

I have the following script that fetches reports from a URI and displays the datasource(s) username. However, we'd like to get the name of the reports so we know what datasource username is associated with what report for tracking purposes.

listReports() function parses each report and returns its ID return $_.Id

The report ID is a hash like


The $_ object also has other meaningful properties, such as $_.Name, and $_.Path

Current output of full script (from the last foreach loop that is) is a list of Datasource usernames (not the report IDs):



which is what we want, but i also want to display the report name/paths associated with each of those usernames, e.g.
expected output:

DS Username Report Name
payroll Report2
si_51932_p_00h Report3
payroll Report3

payroll Report4
tkcsimport Report5

How do I do this?

I would try return $_.Id, $_.Name, $_.Path in listReports() but then the challenge is how to map the extra properties here


and parse them in the last for loop to include in the output?

Full script:

# lists all the reports on the server that are available to your user account
Function listReports($baseURL) {
    $reports = Invoke-RestMethod -UseDefaultCredentials -uri "$baseURL/api/v2.0/CatalogItems"
    $reports.value | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq "PowerBIReport"} | foreach { 
            #Write-Host ("{0} {1} {2}" -f $_.Id, $_.Name, $_.Path)
            return $_.Id

Function getDataSources($baseURL, $reportID) {
    $sources = Invoke-RestMethod -UseDefaultCredentials -uri "$baseURL/api/v2.0/PowerBIReports($reportID)/DataSources"
    if ($sources.value -is [array]) {
        return $sources.value
    } else {
        return @($sources.value)

$reportIDs = @(listReports(""))

foreach($reportID in $reportIDs) {
    (getDataSources "" $reportID | % {
        return $_.DataModelDataSource.Username
Windows Server PowerShell
Windows Server PowerShell
Windows Server: A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.PowerShell: A family of Microsoft task automation and configuration management frameworks consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language.
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Accepted answer
  1. Rich Matheisen 45,906 Reputation points

    Why not replace lines 5 and 6 in the "listReports" function?

        Id = $_.Id
        Name = $_.Name
        Path = $_.Path

    Line 22 would then become:

    (getDataSources "" $reportID.Id | % {
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  1. Cataster 641 Reputation points

    @Rich Matheisen
    I implemented your code update and in order to print out the Name and path of the reports alongside the username as in the expected output, i created an array of a ps custom object. here is the working version for future visitors :)

    Function listReports($baseURL) {  
        $reports = Invoke-RestMethod -UseDefaultCredentials -uri "$baseURL/api/v2.0/CatalogItems"  
        $reports.value | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq "PowerBIReport"} | foreach {   
    			Id = $_.Id  
    			Name = $_.Name  
    			Path = $_.Path  
    Function getDataSources($baseURL, $reportID) {  
        $sources = Invoke-RestMethod -UseDefaultCredentials -uri "$baseURL/api/v2.0/PowerBIReports($reportID)/DataSources"  
        if ($sources.value -is [array]) {  
            return $sources.value  
        } else {  
            return @($sources.value)  
    $reportList = @(listReports($webPortalURL))  
    $ReportsDatasourceUsernames_pscoArray = @()  
    $loopCount = 1  
    foreach($report in $reportList) {  
        (getDataSources $webPortalURL $report.Id | % {  
            #return $_.DataModelDataSource.Username  
    		$ReportsDatasourceUsernames_pscoArray += [PSCustomObject]@{  
    			'#' = $loopCount  
    			'Datasource Username' = $_.DataModelDataSource.Username  
    			'Report Name' = $report.Name  
    			'Report Path' = <#"=HYPERLINK(""$($webPortalURL + `"/powerbi`" + $($report.Path))"",""$($report.Name)"")"#> "<a href='$($webPortalURL + `"/powerbi`" + $($report.Path))'>$($report.Name)</a>"  
    			#'Status' = "$($error[0])`r`n$($error[0].InvocationInfo.PositionMessage)`r`n$($error[0].ScriptStackTrace)"  