Hi. Currently I have an access database outputting to excel and it works. However, the spreadsheet is rather plain and the columns aren't the right width, the fields that have a date\time only show date etc. I want to edit the spreadsheet after I output all the data. I've already figured out how to open file, add a row, add wordwrapping, change column width. However, I can't figure out how to make a column formatted with date\time format ex mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm I've tried various things that don't work. Can anyone help to show how to alter the columns format to show the date\time?
Thanks in advance.
Sub testxl()
Dim xlfilename As String
xlfilename = "D:\Data\filename.xlsx"
Dim xlsheetname As String
Dim xlapp As Excel.Application
Dim xlbook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlsheet As Excel.Worksheet
Set xlapp = Excel.Application
'xlapp.Visible False
Set xlbook = xlapp.Workbooks.Open(xlfilename)
Set xlsheet = xlbook.Worksheets(1)
With xlsheet
.Rows("1").RowHeight = 30
.Rows("1").WrapText = True
' Note I tried below various formatting options, and none work.
'.Columns("G").Format "mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn"
.Columns("A").ColumnWidth = 22
.Columns("B").ColumnWidth = 9
.Columns("C").ColumnWidth = 20
.Columns("D").ColumnWidth = 11
.Columns("E").ColumnWidth = 8
.Columns("F").ColumnWidth = 12
.Columns("G").ColumnWidth = 22
.Columns("H").ColumnWidth = 15
.Columns("I").ColumnWidth = 15
.Columns("J").ColumnWidth = 28
.Columns("K").ColumnWidth = 28
.Columns("L").ColumnWidth = 18
.Columns("M").ColumnWidth = 20
.Columns("N").ColumnWidth = 7.5
End With
Set xlbook = Nothing
Set xlapp = Nothing
End Sub