Error occurred during a cryptographic operation
I'm currently facing this "Error occurred during a cryptographic operation" error on one of the production server.
I have the same application running on another server for the past 10 years, and never encounter the same issue.
Whenever this error occurred, I can make a quick fix by restarting the IIS server, and after the IIS restarted, everything will be back to normal.
But eventually it will happen again after a few hours later, it also happened to be running smoothly without hitting this error for the whole day.
I have tried by adding fix Machine Keys and Validation Method in the web.config, but it seems doesn't work for my situation.
Aside from this cryptographic error, I also noticed that there is a large amount of "The keyset is not defined." and "Invalid viewstate." error from the application log.
Appreciated if I can receive any help from you.