Is .Net required to be installed for the client to function properly?
I found the following steps seemed to work on all but a few machine experiencing this\
CMD ->
C:\windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.exe /uninstall
Wait for process to finish.
Run ccmclean
delete remaining folders and registry entry under HKLM Software Microsoft ccmsetup.exe
CMD ->
Xcopy /E /I "\<sccm server>\source\applications\client" "C:\users\<user name>\desktop\Client"
CD "C:\users\<user name>\desktop\client\"
ccmsetup.exe /source:"C:\users\<User Name>\desktop\client\" SMSSITECODE=SP2 SMSMP=<Server FQDN> FSP=<Server FQDN> DNSSUFFIX=US.SAGEPUB.ORG /mp:<Server FQDN /ForceInstall
Launch task manger
wait till the ccmsetup.exe process disappears
CMD ->
Start Control
Search "manage" launch config manager control
run the first two items under action tab. Wait about 20 minutes and it goes from a question mark in SCCM to a green check mark.
However, this didn't work on all systems. so I am still searching.