Dates and varchar

Neil 396 Reputation points

For the below code I was just expecting it to provide plan varchar value 20312201 in-case of invalid date, but it is giving error
how to handle this?

I am trying to write a code(function) if is not converting to valid date after cleaning it should return the same value in @dateParam (with or without cleaning + - etc ). I have this in function and with if len(@dateparam) = 8 checking before entering this block

Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 36
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

DECLARE @date varchar(30)
    DECLARE @dateParam varchar(30) = '20312201'
    DECLARE @StartDt DATE ='1900-01-01'
    DECLARE @EndDt   DATE ='2099-01-01'

    SET @date = @dateParam
    SET @dateParam = Replace(Replace(Replace(@dateparam, '+', ''), '-',''),' ','')  
    PRINT @dateParam

    SET @date = SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 1, 4) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 5, 2) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 7,2)+' 00:00:00.000'
    SET @date = CASE WHEN ISDATE(@date) = 1 THEN @date 
                    SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 5, 4) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 3, 2) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 1,2)+' 00:00:00.000'
    SET @date = CASE WHEN (CAST(@date AS DATE) > @StartDt AND CAST(@date AS DATE) < @EndDt) THEN @date
    SELECT @date, @dateParam 

Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 36
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
A Microsoft extension to the ANSI SQL language that includes procedural programming, local variables, and various support functions.
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  1. Neil 396 Reputation points

    The above solution is working for date with length 8, I am working on developing the solution for date with varying length say 12,14,17 and 19 with time stamp.

    Thanks much Tom!

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  2. ZoeHui-MSFT 35,556 Reputation points

    Hi @Neil ,

    If the length for @apl is stable like 12/14/17/19, you may try with below code.

    set @dateParam=SUBSTRING(@dateParam,1,4) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@dateParam,5,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@dateParam,7,2) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(@dateParam,9,2) + ':' +   
    SUBSTRING(@dateParam,11,2) + ':' + case when len(@dateParam)=12 then '00' else SUBSTRING(@dateParam,13,2) end    
    + '.' + case when len(@dateParam)<17 then '000' else SUBSTRING(@dateParam,15,3) end  
    + '.' + case when len(@dateParam)<19 then '00' else SUBSTRING(@dateParam,18,2) end  



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  3. Neil 396 Reputation points

    Hi Zoe,

    The length is not fixed, there are examples of lengths 4,6(which have to reject as invalid date), 8, 12, 14, 17, 19 in case it is valid I have to consider it by taking date and time if available, else reject all the invalid dates.

    The original post is working for 8 length and I have written below for all other lengths

    I have to reject all dates < 1900-01-01 and > 2099-01-01 along with all other invalid dates of length 4, 6 etc. Reject in the sense, just return the same value what is received instead of formatting it to a valid date, just return the same value without format. (it is fine if it is removing + - etc. with the replace statement below before returning the invalid data(dates))

    FUNCTION [dbo].[CleanDate](@dateParam varchar(30))  
    RETURNS varchar(30)   
    DECLARE @date VARCHAR(30);
    DECLARE @StartDt DATE ='1900-01-01'
    DECLARE @EndDt   DATE ='2099-01-01'
    DECLARE @TestDt  DATE 
    SET @date = @dateParam
    SET @dateParam = Replace(Replace(Replace(@dateparam, '+', ''), '-',''),' ','')
    IF LEN(@dateParam) >= 15 
    SET @date = SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 1, 4) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 5, 2) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 7,2)
    +' '+SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 9, 2) + ':'+SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 11, 2) + ':'+SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 13, 2) + '.'+SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 15, 3)
    SET @date = CASE WHEN (Try_Convert(DATE, @date) > @StartDt AND Try_Convert(DATE, @date) < @EndDt) THEN @date
                 ELSE @dateParam
    ELSE IF LEN(@dateParam) = 14
    SET @date = SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 1, 4) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 5, 2) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 7,2)
    +' '+SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 9, 2) + ':'+SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 11, 2) + ':'+SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 13, 2)+'.000'
    SET @date = CASE WHEN (Try_Convert(DATE, @date) > @StartDt AND Try_Convert(DATE, @date) < @EndDt) THEN @date
                 ELSE @dateParam
    ELSE IF LEN(@dateParam) = 12
    SET @date = SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 1, 4) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 5, 2) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 7,2)
    +' '+SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 9, 2) + ':'+SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 11, 2) +':00.000'
    SET @date = CASE WHEN (Try_Convert(DATE, @date) > @StartDt AND Try_Convert(DATE, @date) < @EndDt) THEN @date
                 ELSE @dateParam
    ELSE IF LEN(@dateParam) = 8
    SET @date = SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 1, 4) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 5, 2) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 7,2)+' 00:00:00.000'
    SET @date = CASE WHEN ISDATE(@date) = 1 THEN @date 
    SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 5, 4) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 3, 2) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@dateParam, 1,2)+' 00:00:00.000'
    SET @date = CASE WHEN (Try_Convert(DATE, @date) > @StartDt AND Try_Convert(DATE, @date) < @EndDt) THEN @date
    RETURN @date
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  4. Olaf Helper 43,246 Reputation points

    it to provide plan varchar value 2031 22 01

    If this is the common date format YYYYMMDD, then what for a month is 22; on my calendar I don't have such?